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Google Drive

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Google's cloud storage app for easy file management across many devices and accounts

Google LLC | 17 more apps |
updated on February 10, 2025
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113.2mb | free


The app is elegant and simple to use
Files can be manipulated with ease
You can view and edit all sorts of documents
File sharing between accounts and devices has never been easier


None that we could think of
Google Drive
Price: $
Cloud storage is the future of modern storage types and it's always better to keep your data backed up in the cloud rather than have it sit around on USBs or other physical storage devices which are prone to physical damage.

Google Drive is the most popular choice by cloud users so let's check out the Android app. The app is quite simple: you download the app and your Google account is acquired through the one you use for other Google services.

The app is organized into several tabs where you can see all of your files under Files, check what other users shared with you under Shared, view your favorites under Starred, and check the latest news regarding your account under the Home tab.

Everything is easily accessible from the beginning. Each file can be made available offline, downloaded, and shared in an instant. It's even possible to add individual files to the home screen. You can arrange files into different folders but keep in mind that you have 15 GB of free space. More space can be purchased from Google.

Any file on your phone can be easily transferred to your Google Drive. You also receive several office tools to view and edit text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Keeping everything synced through Google Drive is probably the easiest way of keeping track of your data and the Android app definitely makes it even better.
Reviewed by (editor rating 5 out of 5 starsEditor's pick Sooftware editor's pick

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